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1-2-1 Sessions

All levels of healing are addressed for a specific issue or intention including traumas and fears, suppressed emotions, physical blockages, limited beliefs and biased perceptions to bring clarity, understanding, guidance and healing.


Individual sessions can also be focused on the integration process for any plant/amphibian medicine work.

Single Session (90 min): £150


Individual packages are recommended for anyone committed to a spiritual or healing journey who aims to dive deeper into their healing and desires to develop a deeper understanding and relationship with themselves. A healing journey focuses on the unconscious mind and trauma to uncover areas of disconnection, pain and struggle and their relationship within the physical, mental and emotional body. Through this process we being to awaken the true Self, instead of the mold that parents, families, culture, society and establishments shaped you into. As a result, you will become more connected to your deeper purpose, experience transformations in your relationships, be reconnected to your highest Truth, and most importantly, embody more love.

Couple packages focus on healing relationship wounds, releasing trauma bonds, increasing the level of understanding of each other, improving communication and deepening intimacy to transform co-dependent relationships into true loving connection.

Each session is 90 min.

Package of 4 - £540

Package of 6 - £720

Package of 8 - £800


Ceremonies allow us to experience the sacred. I facilitate ceremonies for individuals, couples and groups. My ceremonial offerings include:



Womb Healing






Fire & Tobacco

*and more*

Enquire for more information.

Healing Immersions

Immersions are intensive healing experiences, much like a mini-retreat. A bespoke experience can include any combination of offerings over 2 days with emphasis on the integration aspect on the 2nd day. An example of an immersion could include therapy work and plant medicine work on the 1st day and a Kambo microdose with integration work on the 2nd day.

Overnight stay is provided in a healing space with a private bathroom in the annexe.

£400 for 2 days, an additional day is £100 extra.


"Sylvia has been such a positive and healing influence throughout the 6 years I have had the pleasure of working with her. She has an overflowing abundance of knowledge, understanding, wisdom, insight, intuition and love to give and seems to be able to heal all aspects of our minds, body and spirit. She introduced me into understanding the patterns and beliefs that at a conscious and subconscious level have a heavy influence on our lives and well being. She introduced me to shadow work which opened up a whole new world of understanding and possibilities. She combines the scientific and more "spiritual" aspects of a multitude of practices, healing and self-betterment modalities and methodologies and users her awesome intuitive ability to really read and understand you in your entirety and in doing so provides you with clear and concise direction to what actions you can take to help heal yourself. Some of the things she has helped me with include: 

1 - Conscious breathing - Breathwork

2 - Conscious relationships with partners, friends and family

3 - Trauma Release 

4 - Gene Keys

5 - Shadow Work

6 - Ancestral, Karmic and Past Life Healing

7 - Embracing Emotions

8 - Reprogramming Destructive Thought Patterns and Behaviours

9 - Dietary Needs - How to eat and ensure my body has the supplements it needs

10 - Detoxification & Fasting

11 - How to be balanced

12 - How to use Crystals, Herbs and Incense

13 - Astrocartography & Numerology Readings

14 - Depression & a lack of self-worth

15 - Sexual Health, Healing and Expression

16 - Manifesting, the Law of Attraction & Setting Intentions

17 - Plant Medicine and Cacao Ceremonies​

She is a beautiful soul impassioned with an overflowing amount of unconditional love who possesses an infectious desire to help lift humanity to a higher state of consciousness."  -JA, Reading

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